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import merge from './merge.js';

 * Recursively builds a heap from an iterator of nodes by merging them pair by
 * pair.
 * @param {Function} compare Comparison function for node keys.
 * @param {Node} prev Last node before first of list. First node is `prev.next`.
 * @returns {Node} The root node with .next = .prev = null or null for an empty
 *                 iterator.
export default function mergepairs(compare, previous) {
	// Unpick linked list starting at prev.next

	const A = previous.next;
	previous.next = null;

	if (A === null) return null;
	A.prev = null;

	const B = A.next;
	A.next = null;

	if (B === null) return A;
	B.prev = null;

	// Recursion fairy for the rest of the heap
	const tail = mergepairs(compare, B); // Sets B.next = null

	// merge A != null with B != null
	const head = merge(compare, A, B); // Call to merge is valid

	// merge with the rest
	if (tail === null) return head;

	// Head != null, tail != null
	return merge(compare, head, tail); // Also valid because tail and head
	// are outputs of merge{pairs}